Universal Laws-Understanding How They Affect Your Life

There are laws that govern the universe and consequently affect your life every single day. Take for instance the Law of Gravity. This law allows you the ability to walk firmly on the ground and not float around aimlessly in space. You know this law because if you drop something it falls immediately downward to the ground or floor, yet I doubt you seldom ever consciously stop to think about this law and its importance in your life. Regardless of whether you consciously think about it, it exists and is always part of your everyday life.

So it is with the other many laws of our universe. Whether you ever think about them consciously, they are always actively playing out in your life, each one interplaying with the others. Most of you have heard of the Law of Attraction and are probably striving to attract particular things into your life – better job, soulmate relationship, more money, great health, and so forth. Yet it seems these things often elude you and so you ask “Why isn’t it working?”

Recently I listened to a webinar that shared some very enlightening explanations of how these laws work, so I felt guided to share them with you after I realized why we can be so off track in trying so hard to attract what we want. As I mentioned above, each universal law interplays with another, so if one is off course, it will throw off the next, which in turn prevents the very desires we hope to attract from showing up. So let’s discuss these laws so you understand how intrinsically they are influencing every aspect of your living.

Take for instance the Law of Creation, or if you will, the Law of Energy. You’ve heard me talk about energy countless times because this is our composition – energy. We are energetic beings who are constantly creating the experiences in our life, thus making us creators. You probably understand this law – what energy you put out is what you create – that negative fear-based thoughts create negative experiences and positive loving thoughts create positive experiences. This is a scientific fact about energy and thus our role as creators of what shows up in our life. Where you direct your focus is what shows up.

So this takes us a step further to the Law of Vibration. In essence, the Law of Creation (or Energy) produces a vibration. The difference here is this: In the Law of Creation/Energy, you create a thought that sends out the energy, but it’s the feeling in the vibration that creates it into reality. Perhaps you ask for something for your life and you really want it, but every time you think about it you doubt it can appear. You have then created the opposite of what you want due to the actual vibration you felt – a negative fear-based feeling. And this is key: You can see it in your mind’s eye and know exactly what you want, but you have to feel it in your body to create it. It’s the seeing and experiencing that creates the vibration. Are you seeing how each law interplays with the other?

Let’s go a little deeper with this Law of Vibration. In order to understand it and flow with the vibrations of love that create the good things we want, it is important to step back and not be in the middle of it, or the meaning of it. This is comparable to meditation in this way – a thought comes through your mind while you’re trying to get clear of thoughts to meditate fully, so you simply allow it to pass through your mind without judgment. The same principle applies with the Law of Vibration.

As you allow a vibration to be felt, pass no judgment on it even if it comes from a negative space. Simply notice it. See what it truly is. Do not sit in the space of whether it is good or bad – no judgment. Simply view it as it is. Then you can decide if this is a vibration you want to keep in motion or not. If it’s from fear you probably don’t want it, so release it. Then decide what you want to replace it from love. You are not creating it, you are simply feeling the vibration of it. If this seems a little deep to you, it is, but in actuality, it is realness.

Now we step into the Law of Belief. This is what you actually believe – your truth. What you really believe inside of you, even if the words you speak say something contrary, is what you manifest. As you sit in the vibration and notice what it is without judgment, you can understand your belief. Here’s an example. I have been on a path of understanding what it takes to have vibrant health all through my adult life. Many experiences have appeared to help me understand this more fully, some of which were far from pleasant. I remember having moments of doubt that I could ever become healthy as various disorders occurred. Later however, as I understood these universal laws, I realized my inner thoughts that maybe I’d never find the answers I needed, or perhaps I wouldn’t find the ‘right’ people to help me, actually created a vibration of fear that created additional problems for me. What I finally learned was to know I was already whole and could simply step into that wholeness and the process of creating more wholeness – a positive process.

Understand this: Whatever shows up for you is what is inside of you!

So if things in your life are not what you truly desire, step into a quiet space and notice what your real beliefs are. Somewhere in the recesses of your subconscious lies the truth, and once uncovered, you have the option to let it go completely and create new beliefs. So even though I had placed an intention to be vibrantly healthy all through my life, my deep down belief was that most people receive various health challenges during their lifetime, and that as I age they will get worse. As you probably are, I was busy and didn’t take time to dig deep into my real beliefs until more recent years. As a result, I delayed the actual outcome I was seeking, but the old saying “It’s never too late” certainly applies here.

What do you believe your place is in the whole landscape of your life? Taking it even further, where do you feel you fit in the whole scenario of the universe? These are tough questions for many individuals to answer, but there are answers if you dig deep enough. Now we can step into the next universal law which is the foundation of the entire universe!

This is the Law of Oneness. Were you taught as I was that we are separate from Universal Energy, God, Spirit, Heaven and the Angels? When we feel separate from our essence of love and the power that surges through the universe from the Higher Power, it’s a given we would feel afraid and separated. But when we understand that we are all connected and are in truth part of one energy, it’s an entirely different story.

What does it mean we are all connected? The entire universe – people, plants, animals, insects, all of nature, angels, God, planets, stars, sun – everything – are all composed of the same energy. There is one universal source of energy that is in continuous motion connecting all that is. Although each part of the universe may look and be different, it has the composition of energy. Energy is often referred to as a vibration – we discussed this already. And it’s the heart energy that is the cohesive energy for all humanity.

After the experience of 9/11 and the horrific ramifications of it, people came together in incredible ways – people felt empathy and love for all those who were hurting and grieving. Individuals and groups pulled together to help those who were suffering and in need because their hearts filled with love for these people. No one considered what anyone thought about political views, religion or any other belief, they simply helped where it was needed because they felt it in their heart. In this example we see the Law of Acceptance played out. This law is a sub-law for the Law of Oneness, but is vital to grasp in the light of the Law of Oneness.

When we accept, we are connected; we are one. There is no attachment to certain beliefs or judgments, it just is. This is love – acceptance without judgment or putting a particular meaning to a situation. In this space people can readily forgive another because there is a realization that the other person can be who they are and believe what they want and not fear our resistance to them. Of course it doesn’t mean we accept illegal, immoral or hurtful behavior as okay, but we can still accept and love the individual.

This means that you and I are even connected through the vibration of universal energy to abhorred individuals such as murderers or rapists; they are part of the universal energy pool. However, the huge difference is how they are operating their life, obviously one based in deep fear-based beliefs and are making grossly negative choices, but they began just as we did from the same energy source. When we understand this connection to all of the universe, we have the capability of being more tolerant and accepting of individual differences as long as they remain within the boundaries of legal and moral standards.

The Law of Oneness tells us, being that we are cohesively connected to the universal energy pool, that we are part of all that is good – abundance, great health, wonderful relationships, peace, joy, happiness – this is our heritage and who we really are, having been formed from love. In essence, we actually do not have to attract anything into our life because it is already here. All we need do is open to it by aligning to that loving energy.

We were talking earlier about the Law of Attraction and how so often it doesn’t seem to work. All of the laws we’ve been discussing are part of the Law of Attraction and must be part of the process of attracting what you want. First you must grasp the belief that you are a creator of your life. Every thought and belief you entertain, especially when they become repetitive in your mind, becomes your reality. Those thoughts are composed of energy which sends out a vibration into the universe to bring to you experiences from that same energy pool. It cannot do anything different; it always must grab from the same energy pool. So it seems it would be essential for you to pay attention to your thoughts and the consequential vibrations you are sending out every minute of every day. If you don’t like something in your life, then go back to your thoughts and begin remodeling them because what is appearing in your life experience is a direct result of your internal thinking. It’s time to clear out the old beliefs, blocks and fear-based thoughts so you can open to what is real and love.

A simple process I learned recently can help you clear out those unwanted, outdated and limiting negative beliefs you have been hanging onto way too long, blocking what you desire. It’s so simple and totally free that you may doubt its benefits, but I can promise that if you do this regularly, you can easily shift into peace and harmony from the oneness of universal love energy, and there create your wish list into reality.

Sit quietly and simply relax a few moments, as if you are preparing to meditate. Take a few deep breaths. Notice the energy around and in your body and just be aware of it. Feel that energy and know you are creating a type of filter to sort out negative beliefs. You are also grounding yourself in the flow of energy, anchoring yourself into the earth while aligning with divine love. Now bring your attention back and bring to mind whatever issues that don’t serve your highest good – it could be something small or large… whatever is bothering or depleting you, or causing you worrisome thoughts. See it, then simply let it go and watch it dissolve into smoke, wafting away from you. Sit for a minute and breathe in the serenity of the moment and recognize the knowing that All Is Well! Repeat this process whenever you have something you wish to dissolve, or even continue the process at one sitting.

As you comprehend the oneness of the universe and your connection to everything and everyone, you can better understand how easy it is to bring to you your dreams, as long as you align with them and the universal energy of love. Many times individuals rush from here to there, perhaps reciting some beautiful affirmations of what they want and what they believe, but inside of them a different script circulates. And what is held within always come out in the end result.

Oneness is a wonderful connection to Spirit. Anything that looks like struggle or resistance does not come from Spirit. Oneness also allows us the privilege of sharing, and when we focus on service and sharing the good we have and are, we open to more of everything. Vibrations of generosity, blessings, gratitude and love always connect us to the abundance of the universe and help us operate our lives in total alignment with the powerful laws of the universe.

But we must go one step further with the universal laws and mention the Law of Giving Back. This must always be part of the equation if you ever want to create the desires of your heart from a place of prosperity consciousness. It means that you give, expecting nothing in return, with cheerfulness and willingness. Bless everything you send out and it will return ten-fold – a law of the universe. This must be given with the intent of giving a gift to God, and doing so will add to the love flowing out to humanity, which is forever moving and creating more of the same. Always say “Thank you” for every bit of abundance that either comes into your life or you willingly share with others, for we know that a grateful heart reaps many gifts as it expands into more.

We’ve circled the spectrum of the universal laws from what seems like the beginning to the end, yet realizing it is one continuous circle of energy flowing from one to the other with actually no beginning nor no end. My intent was to remind you of these universal laws that are continuously governing your life with or without your awareness, but perhaps, now that I have reminded you of their immense importance as they flow through your every day life, you will pay attention to them and make necessary changes to use them for good not only in your life, but to all humanity.

How to Apply For an Education Visa in Thailand

There are a lot of reasons why most foreign students opt to study in the tropical country that is Thailand.

First, the very serene and warm climate offers a sense of comfort and relaxation which is very conducive for studying. Second most universities in Thailand offer programs which are globally accredited and internationally recognized. And third the very affordable cost of living.

Among the courses and programs available in Thailand which may be chosen by foreign students are: education, economics, accounting, information technology, medicine, business administration (marketing, finance & banking), biotechnology, architecture, mass communications and journalism, science and technology, and of course Thai language.

Thailand Visa Procedure

Step 1. Apply at a university of your choice, for the course or program desired.

Each university in Thailand follows internal rules different from the others. In some cases, mere photocopies of the required documents are sufficient while for some, the original certified copies are required. These documents must be submitted with the properly accomplished application form of the university where the foreigner is applying.

As there are several programs or courses which an applicant may choose from, it is advisable for the student to initially select as many programs as he or she wants. During the final stages of the application, the potential student may then choose from the programs of the university where he is accepted.

Step 2. Letter of Admission

Upon receiving the Letter of Admission from the university where the foreign student applied, he is now considered as accepted for the program.

The letter will indicate the date which the student should start attending the scheduled classes for the semester he is applying for, as well as all the subjects which he was allowed to enrol for that particular semester.

The minimum number of subjects which a foreign student is allowed to enrol is at least three (3) subjects per semester.

Step 3. Applying for the Thailand student visa (requirements)

Letter of Admission

Valid passport

Recent passport size photograph

Once the potential foreign applicant has secured these three requirements, he may now file his application for a student visa at the Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate in his country.

If the applicant is already in the country under a valid tourist visa, there is no necessity to depart from the Kingdom of Thailand to convert the tourist visa into a student visa. If, however, the applicant is inside the country without a valid visa (as in the case of residents of neighbouring countries who do not need a visa to enter the country), then they will be obliged to leave Thailand and apply for the student visa outside the country.

Step 4. The ninety (90)-day student visa

Under Thai law, the initial student visa which will be issued to the foreign student shall be valid for only ninety (90) days. During this ninety day period, it is the foreign student’s duty to register with the Thai university and pay the corresponding tuition fee for his studies.

Upon confirmation of compliance of these twin requisites (payment and registration), the student may now avail of the full one-year student visa in Thailand, without need of leaving the country, as in the case of a visa run.

Step 5. Responsibilities of the foreign student

After the Thailand student visa is issued, Thailand law mandates such holders to notify the government of their location and status every ninety (90) days. This provision was enacted as an added protection to the welfare of the visa holder. According to the rules, the foreign student must accomplish a simple form and indicate therein their current address, in order for the appropriate Thai immigration office to establish their whereabouts at any given time.

Said form may be accomplished by the student in Immigration Bureau anywhere in Thailand, or even by mail at some locations. Thai law strictly implements this rule. Thus, foreign students are warned to abide by the procedure or face the danger of losing their Thailand education visa.

How to Reach Students in the Digital Age With a Certificate in Instructional Technology

The field of education is constantly changing and growing with technology. In this digital era, children grow up with computers from the time they are very young. In order to reach these children, educators need to adapt to technology in education and learn how to teach students using technological tools. It’s nearly impossible to avoid using technology and computers these days, especially when it comes to education. Most students have grown up with computers since birth or childhood and use them to learn too. It’s important to know how to use computers if you want to be an effective educator.

Getting a certificate in instructional technology is designed to improve classroom technology and integration skills and inspire teachers interested in improving their classroom instruction through technology integration. Beyond this, completing an instructional technology program also helps build resumes. Teachers interested in learning more about technology or enhancing their technology skills should strongly consider pursuing a certificate in instructional technology as a way to improve their careers and expand their knowledge.

It’s important for teachers to know the foundations of educational technology. This will help form a basis for which to build upon. Learning about educational technology usually begins with understanding how a computer works, including hardware, operating systems, and networking for educators. This includes learning how to upgrade, repair, maintain, and troubleshoot computers for the purpose of providing positive learning environments and experiences for a diverse array of end users including teachers themselves. Even for teachers who aren’t interested in teaching technology, learning about the basic foundations of educational technology can be helpful for teachers and students alike.

Some courses show teachers everything from the beginning, including how to use a computer, so you don’t need any experience before taking any classes. Classes in the foundations of educational technology will focus on everything involving computers, even the details for beginners including how to use a printer. This can be extremely helpful for educators, especially those who have not had much or any practice and experience with computers. Whether you don’t own one or are not part of the digital generation, you can still learn by starting from scratch. This will advance both your personal and professional lives for the better because whether you teach technology or not, you will definitely need to use it one day if you continue with a career in education.

Because technology is so important, you should understand not only the basics, but also how to incorporate it into the classroom setting as well as within lessons and classroom activities. However, before that can be possible it’s necessary to understand the social and historical development of the use of technology in education. Learning about the evolution of technology and its applications to education and having an understanding of the social and historical development of the use of technology within K-12 education will take you much further than merely learning how to use a computer.

Computer ethics, etiquette, the digital divide, equity regarding students with special needs, English as a second language, and socio-economic factors are also important themes to explore and discuss. Research can show you a lot about the equity issues concerning access and use of computers and related technologies.

Perhaps the best part about expanding your knowledge of instructional technology is the effect it has on learning for students. Project based and collaborative learning with computers are fun and effective ways for students to learn. This learning can be implemented in a regular classroom or in a computer laboratory, but either way, ethics, etiquette, and safety online for students and teachers should be of utmost concern at all times.

Don’t Experiment With Your Health

If you walked into your doctor’s office tomorrow with a minor complaint and she said “I would like to try this experiment with your health. There is no real proof it will work, but I read on the Internet that it should. It might not work at all, and it might actually damage your health. Are you in?”

What would you say? Most of us would say, I hope, “Are you KIDDING me!? My health is much to valuable!”

Yet I hear from people all of the time who do just that, and they aren’t even doing it under the advice of a doctor.

Weight loss can make us desperate. We are so bombarded with messages around us telling us that we are not attractive, not valuable, “less than” our skinny counterparts. Magazines tout bikini bodies and the “secrets of fast weight loss” used by the latest stars. I don’t know about you, but while I might admire Jennifer Aniston’s hair and easy demeanor on the screen, I’m not going to her for medical advice.

It is this desperation that leads us to sometimes do foolish things without thinking it all of the way through. I am not casting stones…I had a bad run in with a no carb diet at one point, and a very ugly month of eating no more than 800 calories per day. So I have BEEN there and like many of us, I didn’t think about long term ramifications.

I recently had a discussion with a woman who shared with some friends the “secrets” from a loser on one of those popular weight loss shows. He shared how he lost 12 pounds in 48 hours. His advice? I can’t even bring myself to repeat it because it was ridiculous and potentially dangerous that for me to even share it might border on malpractice! I begged this woman to please not take his advice (nor advice from anyone associated with that show) because it could damage her health. She countered that he had some good ideas, and declined to respond when I pointed out that his good idea left his body without a ready source of fuel over 18 hours of the day. I have a heart for her and for everyone who desperately wants to lose weight, including all of the contestants on those shows, but it scares me when people start to experiment with their health in order to conform to someone else’s idea of what is healthy.

Before you undertake any new health experiments, I would encourage you to ask yourself a few questions.

Is this a supplement and if so, what do I know about it and where did I get the information?

Supplements aren’t all bad nor all good. Natural doesn’t necessarily mean healthy. I’ve said it before, “Plutonium is natural, but you won’t catch me sprinkling it on my corn flakes.”

It is important to understand that supplements, unlike medications, are not tested by the FDA. In order for the FDA to approve a medication it must be safe and effective. If a supplement is certified by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), NSF International, or the United Natural Products Alliance, it’s guaranteed to meet a certain standard of quality. (The USP’s screening process, for instance, ensures that a product will break down properly and effectively release its ingredients into the body.) Look for a certification seal from any of these organizations whenever you buy a supplement. Look for that on the label.

It is also very important to understand about how supplements may interfere with each other or with prescribed medications. ALWAYS tell your doctor about all supplements you are taking. You may also ask a pharmacist for information.

If you have done your homework, never start more than one supplement at a time without supervision. Check the labels for side effects and if you note any of them, stop taking the supplement. Trying more than one at a time will make it hard to figure out just which one is causing the problems.

If it sounds too good to be true, it’s too good to be true. You can’t burn fat in your sleep. There is no pill that will force your body to use fat for fuel over carbohydrates at any level that makes a real difference. A pill will not give you six pack abs. Sorry. I wish it were true…it’s not.

If a supplement is accompanied by a very low calorie diet, that should send up a huge red flag. If you’re taking an expensive pill and eating no more than 500 calories a day and losing weight…it’s because you’re starving your body. A very low calorie diet over a long period of time can actually damage your metabolism. (I don’t even want to hear of any of you intelligent people doing it over a short period of time!)

If a diet cuts out all of one category of food from your diet, be very wary. Our bodies need a variety of vitamins and minerals from a variety of foods. That doesn’t mean it isn’t okay to cut out refined sugars or flours if that’s what you desire, but don’t cut out all fruits or all vegetables or all (or even most) carbohydrates.

Be very wary of “a study shows…” articles in a Women’s magazine. Most of the times the information from these studies is picked up off the AP and the writer doesn’t understand or explain the entire study. When I read something that sounds completely different from what we’ve been told in the past, I go online to find the original abstract of the study. It is also important to remember that one study only sets down a path for more study, but doesn’t definitively prove or disprove a previous study. A study, to be valid, must be replicated and peer reviewed.

If you’re unsure, please ask someone who knows that you trust for good, solid advice. That can be your doctor, a nutritionist, or another health practitioner. I am always very happy to help as I have a degree in Health Education and never put forth information without researching it first.

Colleges and Universities Are Yet to Realize The Potential of Social Media and SEO

The global economic recession has had varying impact on education sector across countries. The financial crisis has negatively impacted state budgets, and therefore, education, which is largely state or public-financed, has also been impacted. There are cultural variations too; Asians tend to place higher value on education and therefore education sector in countries like India has been considered recession-proof.

According to International Labour Organization’s (ILO) assessment report of education sector, in many European countries – Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom, there have been cuts in education budgets either as a result of a reduction in overall expenditure on education or only in particular areas of education. In North America and in some Latin American countries, education spending is being reduced in particular areas.

In India, the education sector in private space has escaped major blow; and is attracting private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) funds. According to a “Private Equity Pulse – Education” report by Venture Intelligence, the PE and VC funds have already invested $300 million in domestic education firms.

Education Sector Needs to Adopt Internet Marketing

In the face of economic downturn, the education sector needs to utilize internet marketing effectively to attract local and international students, faculty and funding.

Students joining colleges and universities today have been exposed to the Internet since childhood. They spend a good part of their time being online using multiple devices. They are savvy in using the world wide web to find information and use social networking sites and instant messenger to stay connected with each other. How teenagers and young adults receive, process, and act on information has fundamentally changed. They do research online and form opinions before selecting an institution to apply for admission.

Adoption of Social Media
Recent studies show that 13% of the Fortune 500 and 39% of the Inc. 500 currently have a public blog. It is interesting to note that college admissions departments continue to lead the pack with blogs at 41% of US colleges and universities.

A research report “Colleges and Universities Adopt Social Media to Recruit and Research Potential Students” draws following conclusions:
1. Adoption is being driven by admissions departments’ recognition of the increasing importance of social media in today’s world.
2. Usage of YouTube has also increased substantially. Video is now being used to deliver virtual tours of campuses, virtual visits to the dorms, and sample lectures from the faculty.
3. 78% of private schools have blogs, versus 28% of public schools, and 50% of schools with undergraduate populations of less than 2,000 have blogs.

There is evidence that these powerful tools are not being utilized to their potential. Schools using social media must adopt social media optimization best practices in order to maximize their effectiveness.

Merely publishing a blog will not result in being read by the prospective students. The blog must be optimized for both social media and search engines.

Social Media Marketing techniques

You must create something unique, compelling and worthy enough of being submitted and linked to. Add value to users, including links to areas that could help them with their goals and purposes. Your college blog should be the student communities first source of information finding. Students will link to your social site and tag is as helpful or the ‘ultimate’ guide in that space: for example, career counseling for student community.

Post blog to Social Media sites: Del.icio.us, Digg, StumbleUpon, Flickr, MySpace, Reddit, Spurl, Blinklist, Shadows, Simply, Yahoo Answers.
Place a retweet button on your blog articles.
Have a RSS feed of Blog for people to subscribe to.

Make your content more accessible by tags and to add a “Digg This”, “Add to del.icio.us” or Technorati chicklet to your Web site and RSS feed. By making tagging and bookmarking easy for users, it encourages readers to submit the content for you.

Less than.06% of the blogosphere garners all the attention, links and authority when stacked up against the rest of 133 million blogs indexed by Technorati. If you want attention, interest and links, you absolutely aim to be included in that.06%. You need to consistently create useful and unique content.

Publish your college page on Facebook with frequent updates on events and abstract of research by faculty. Several basic Facebook Applications are available for Business pages
Discussion Boards: Enable students to publish their ideas
Reviews: Students can leave honest opinions about your institution.
Video: you can upload video of college events or campus tour.
Events: Organize gatherings or let people know about your upcoming events.
Wall: The Wall is an open forum for students to leave comments,

1. Create a LinkedIn company profile for your college
2. The key to building out your institution’s LinkedIn network is to ensure that everyone is participating. By getting your faculty, staff and alumini to join and link to each other, you’ll grow your college network exponentially.
3. Include targeted keywords in your company’s profile
4. Create unique anchor text for links
5. Activate your blog feed to your homepage on LinkedIn

Webinar: Consider hosting webinars where prospective students can ask questions on text chat. You can record and upload webinar events on college website.

SEO for Education Sector

SEO will remain the most important tool in the arsenal of internet marketing for schools, colleges and universities. Prospective students perform research on search engines to select institution to apply for admission. Foreign students form a substantial proportion of student population in countries like USA, UK and Australia.

It is interesting to note from a random survey of college websites that basic SEO principles are not followed.

Not every search engine spider crawls dynamic pages (i.e., the URL contains a “?” character) as well as static pages. It helps to keep the parameters short and the number of them few. Web pages that are hidden behind search forms (when people submit the form your website generates a page with content that is specifically written for that query) cannot be accessed by search engine robot. Search engine robots don’t fill out forms or select from pull-down menus.

Some random, examples of dynamic content from college websites with search engine unfriendly URLs are:

eco.cba.cmich.edu/default2.asp?40.3 of Central Michigan University

hputx.edu/s/668/howardpayne.aspx?sid=668&gid=1&pgid=252&cid=1308&ecid=1308&crid=0&calpgid=874&calcid=1263 of Howard Payne University

brownmackie.edu/Programs/default.aspx?discipline=13&program=296 of Brown Mackie College

There are several solutions available to make hidden pages accessible: create a html sitemap with links to all hidden pages. If the number of pages is too large, create a xml sitemap and submit to search engines.

There are many tools available that will re-create a dynamic site in static form. There are also tools that will re-write your URLs, if you have too many parameters, to “look” like regular non-dynamic URLS.

Frames are another big turn-off for search engine robots. Using frames can prevent them from finding pages within a Web site or cause them to send visitors into a site without the proper frame “context” being established. There are many websites still using frames, e.g. website of Rice School of Architecture and Aravali Institute of Management.

Social Media: Your Business’ Economic Stimulus Package

When business building & networking, pretty much daily the question comes up, ‘Why do you do what you do?’ Before digging deeper, there are many common responses:

1. I have a strong skill set here and a lot of value to add to growing businesses.

2. I find this work fun & fulfilling, let me take the load off for others who don’t enjoy it so they can focus on their core genius.

3. There is a huge need here I am honored and thrilled to be able to fill it. And the list goes on…

In a coaching session with the fabulous Harriet DiCerbo of Mosaic Path, her line of questioning took me further, and allowed me to say something I normally would have felt immodest or arrogant saying, so it took a while to spit out, but dammit, it’s true! “I want to, and believe I can help stimulate the economy via social media!”

What?- Lil ol me, stimulate the economy? But why not? Why not all of us? We all have great business knowledge to share with others. Knowledge is infinite, meanwhile, most of us only have access to 10% of our brain. Something you find simple and basic could be someone else’s enlightening moment and vice versa. Don’t discount yourself.

So how can you use social media to stimulate the economy and your business or career?

1. Times are tough, budgets are strapped (not one of those enlightening tidbits, I know). A small investment in social media strategy and education will facilitate the ongoing use of tools that are free. Your recurring cost can be limited to only time. It shocks me how many businesses still take out classifieds, TV ads, radio ads; advertising the majority of the population simply tunes out. Save excess funds, allocate a smaller portion to social media education, and then run with your new model on a budget while capturing more business! Not to discount those modalities completely, but track metrics to see what is truly bringing you ROI.

2. Sadly, I see local brick and mortars pop up quickly, only to find the storefront is up for lease again shortly thereafter. Many watch bottom line by not advertising, but as I frequently & cheesily reference- “If you build it, they will not necessarily come.” (Even if you believe they will, in the movie, they were ghosts. Ghosts don’t make good customers, they scare the real ones away & don’t buy stuff.)

Social media lets people know you are there. A small investment gives you a way to establish brand awareness. At the very least, get your Google Profile completed, claim your Google Place, and put yourself on the virtual map. It’s free!

3. Businesses are cutting back by not attending or postponing trade shows and conferences. This drastically impacts the goals of a sales team who may normally rely on these events to fill their pipeline, earn commissions, thus feeding their family & paying their mortgage. Seeing a company make this decision, and then seeing same company has no presence on LinkedIn literally saddens me. When used to its fullest, proactively, and with proper etiquette, you will see your pipeline grow and sales soar. As a side bonus, your cold calling can head to the grave. Even those cold calling for 20 years tell me it is still the most dreaded part of their day.

4. While we are on the topic of trade shows and conferences, did you know Twitter allows you to be a fly on the virtual wall? Don’t get pissed at your boss for keeping you at your desk; surprise them by saying~ “Cool! No problem! I’ll attend free from my desk!” Find the Hashtag and join the Twitter stream. The July eWomen Network Conference in Dallas used #eWN2011, and is still going strong weeks later. Several tools allow you to follow hashtags, archive and save them. You can meet people, learn from speaker sessions, engage and do business.

5. Are you job hunting and using Monster.com or Careerbuilder.com exclusively? To those of you also deep sighing with an eye roll, I know…. it shocks me how many think this is still the way to go. These jobs are already stale and likely have spent quality time already on LinkedIn. They probably are already down to the final 3 candidates and have it out there just in case they all get hit by a bus. If you aren’t on LinkedIn maximizing your profile and connections, while exercising caution on your other social profiles like Facebook & Twitter, you better believe that other candidates have both legs, and arms, up on you.

Daily I encounter entrepreneurs and business owners who are simply not yet aware of the power of these tools, or the current state of the technology. In many cases people simply feel overwhelmed by getting started, understandably so! Just pick one thing, start slow, and as Nike says “Just Do It”! It’s better to start getting a toe wet slowly than to keep it forever in your Nike.

Considering the power in these few tools, and how many more are available, I look back and think, “Yes, the more people I can show how to do this, the more people get jobs, the more businesses get business & create brand evangelists, I am stimulating the economy!” And it’s fun too. That’s pretty cool!

The History and Prestige of The University of Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania, located in Philadelphia, is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the United States. Founded in 1740, it has a rich history and tradition of academic excellence.

The university was founded by Benjamin Franklin, who believed that education should be practical and based on experience rather than solely on classical studies. He envisioned a school that would provide students with a well-rounded education and prepare them for careers in business and public service. To this day, the university remains committed to Franklin’s vision, offering students a broad range of academic programs and opportunities for hands-on learning.

Penn’s reputation as a prestigious institution began to develop in the early 19th century, when it became known for its medical school and scientific research. In 1872, it became the first university in the country to offer a program in business administration, which later became the Wharton School. Today, Wharton is widely regarded as one of the best business schools in the world, consistently ranked among the top programs in the country.

Throughout its history, Penn has also been a leader in the fields of law, engineering, and social sciences. The university’s law school, founded in 1850, was the first in the country to introduce a three-year curriculum and is consistently ranked among the best in the nation. Its engineering program is recognized for its innovative research and contributions to fields such as robotics and nanotechnology. And its social science programs, including sociology, psychology, and political science, are highly regarded for their scholarship and impact on society.

In addition to its academic programs, Penn is also known for its world-class research facilities and centers. The university’s research efforts have contributed to breakthroughs in areas such as medicine, energy, and technology, and have led to numerous patents and commercial ventures.

Beyond its academic and research achievements, Penn is also known for its beautiful campus and historic architecture. The university’s campus features a mix of colonial-style buildings and modern facilities, reflecting its rich history and commitment to innovation. The campus is home to several notable landmarks, including the iconic Franklin Field stadium, which has hosted numerous sporting events and concerts over the years.

Today, the University of Pennsylvania remains one of the top-ranked universities in the world, with a reputation for academic excellence and groundbreaking research. Its alumni include numerous Nobel laureates, business leaders, and public figures, demonstrating the impact that a Penn education can have on one’s career and life. With its commitment to innovation and practical education, the University of Pennsylvania continues to shape the future of higher education and make a lasting impact on society.

Sports Scholarships – One Way to Reduce the College Tuition Bill For the Future College Athlete!

How Much Spare Change Will You Need?

The average cost of college tuition today with room and board is about $25,000 annually at an in-state public university and around $40,000 annually at a private school not including the purchases of books, fees, and spending money, let alone airfare if your student athlete is out of state.The price tag for a college education increased 53% for public schools and 47% for private above inflation between 1994 and 2004. This college tuition cost is not going to get less! Are college sports scholarships something to think about for your future college athlete? Might these scholarships provide a little spare education change?

That is what we were facing five years ago with a high school senior who decided to play college basketball very late. But our daughter was not the elite athlete; in fact, her high school coach considered her a D-III athlete at best, possibly D-II if she stretched. We had not even thought about college sports scholarships because no coach was knocking on her door! And, in fact, today, universities and colleges have reduced the recruiting budgets for college coaches; they cannot personally recruit as many potential college athletes as before. If you are the parent of a student athlete who is not the top superstar, then it is likely you and your student athlete will have to search for sports scholarships yourselves. Your prospective college athlete will have to do his or her own recruiting to help reduce the high price of college tuition today.

Who Gets to Play?

In our research to figure out how we would find her a college sports scholarship and reduce that tuition bill, we found out that about 5% of high school athletes go on to play college sports. We also discovered there are sports scholarships beyond the “usual suspects” of football, basketball, baseball and volleyball, and not just in the NCAA! And, we learned that high school student athletes can find academic scholarships at great D-III schools that have highly competitive sports programs.

We did not want our daughter to be one of the student athletes in the 95% category that do not get to be a college athlete! She had the desire, the work ethic, and the talent. We developed a process to help her and she received a walk-on offer at a Big East D-I University in Chicago, two D-III academic scholarships, and, eventually, a D-I scholarship at a West Coast Conference school.

What we found in our research, online and personal ~ talking with college coaches, high school counselors, athletic directors and other parents ~ was that most of the emphasis is on the elite future college athlete, the one coaches actively recruit. There seems to be less effort put into those athletes who are talented, but are not maybe the superstars. These may be young athletes who are not the starters on their high school teams, suffered injuries or are late bloomers. We also saw other high school athletes whom we came across that either did not know how to begin their search for an athletic scholarship (D-I and D-II) or the academic scholarship at D-III. Or, their parents were really not knowledgeable about the world of college athletics.

College Athletics — Play to Earn an Education!

And, what we found is that there was a lot of information about the athletic scholarships, but not much about how to find a solid academic program along with that athletic scholarship. Most college athletes do not go on to play in the pros, so the object of the athletic scholarship is to help the student athlete continue to play his or her sport while also earning a college education. And, we happen to think that is still very valuable. Universities and colleges are beginning to recognize the end game — getting a good education to prepare for the “game” of life. Even the NCAA is increasingly looking at the student in the word student athlete.

I came across a recent article in a national magazine that basically was saying athletic scholarships are not all that they are cracked up to be. The author stated that the average college scholarship is about $10,000 and, if you extract the men’s sports, that scholarship reduces to $8,000; the only full scholarships are for football, basketball and volleyball. The author also stated that there is no such thing as a four-year athletic scholarship and coaches can pull scholarships for a variety of factors. True enough; scholarships are given for only one year and most sports scholarships are partial, with colleges and parents piecing together the puzzle with loans and other financial aid packages. It was a rather doom and gloom article. We have a little different view. When our daughter received offers of two approximately $12,000 academic scholarships to two D-III schools where she would have played basketball, that was $12,000 off of a $33,000 tuition bill. I don’t know about you, but I will take that any day!

Caveat Emptor! Like Anything Else — Do Your Homework and Use Common Sense!

Although the world of college athletics is not for the faint of heart and there are certainly unscrupulous programs and coaches, if one uses common sense and goes into this college search process with eyes open and a realistic picture of the level of talent, the search for a college sports scholarship, given an effective plan and process, should produce some good results. We were neophytes when we started this effort on behalf of our daughter, but we have to say the coaches with whom we talked and met were straight shooters and gave us honest answers to all of our inquiries. And, yes, we know of student athletes who have not been treated very well, with scholarships yanked because coaches were changed or the school wanted to go in a different direction. But, we also know of student athletes who were able to stay all four years at a college and play for most of those years and gain a good solid education, something they might not have had if that athletic scholarship had not at least reduced some of the college bill.

We would encourage the student athletes out there or the parents of student athletes to take a look at college sports scholarships (or academic scholarships at D-III schools) as a way to pay part of that ever increasing college tuition bill. And, the college athletic search will take you beyond the NCAA, to the NAIA, NCCAA, NJCAA, or other community college associations and will provide a much greater choice of academic programs available. There are great colleges and universities out there of all shapes and sizes to fit the interests of the potential college athlete. The key is just to start and do not listen to all the naysayers. You just might be pleasantly surprised.

How to Choose a Right Backpack

Undoubtedly, backpack is an essential gear for every outdoor event to carry your world along with you. Experts believe that when it comes to choosing a right backpack a good rule of thumb is, “Buy right and pack light.” There is a large variety available in the market ranging from expensive to cheap, lightweight to ultra-lightweight and highly fashionable to real basic. So it may turn out to be a real daunting and challenging task when it comes to choosing a right backpack for your outdoor activity. Most of us don’t know what exactly a right backpack is.

Well, a right backpack is the one that sits comfortably on your shoulders and back and make you comfortable to carry your load during long and short trips alike. To select a right backpack you need to consider many things, such as comfort, load distribution on your spine, important features and functionalities you required in your back pack and finally the budget. Among other things, comfort should be on your first priority, because you are buying backpack for comfortable journey. Therefore, to make a good selection decide which feature is important for you, how long is your journey, what is the actual weight you wish to carry etc.

Literally, there is a large variety available in the market to choose from, such as crush resistance, frameless backpack, internal & external backpack, lumbar & torso packs, lightweight, single strap & double strap backpacks, infant & child backpacks, hydration etc. Remember, they are all different so try them actually to see which ones suit you better. Before answering these questions, some important elements should be considered, such as purpose of your trip, duration of your trip along with the capacity you’ll need and the features you demand in a backpack.

First of all, remember the golden rule of backpacking “buy right and pack light”. That means you should buy the right backpack according to your needs and pack it light with essential things only. A right backpack is the one with the right size to fit your torso. It is the first and most important step to safe backpack use. If you can bring one of your friends with you while buying any backpack then it is ok, otherwise ask the salesperson to help you measure your backpack properly.

Next important point can be to purchase adjustable backpacks. Nowadays market is full of good quality adjustable backpacks. No doubt, adjustable back systems are great, but will cost you a bit extra than your bulk standard pack. Actually, adjustable backpacks will allow you to set the height and weight of the pack in the perfect position on your back. Either you can set it yourself or ask your friend or salesperson to adjust and fit your pack on your back by sliding it up and down until you are comfortable. So, when you feel it is right, you lock it off.

Next is to choose the correct frame size. Remember every backpack is useless (regardless of your good height and top quality of backpack) unless it has a correct frame size according to your body and shape. Gone were the days when people think ‘one-size-fits-all’-it far from the truth. Experts strongly believe that your torso size and your overall height are two completely separate measurements when it comes to backpacks. Actually Wayne Gregory was the first backpack designer who thought seriously about the importance of correct frame size to fit your torso.

According to him, your correct frame size can be found by measuring your torso from the seventh vertebra down the spine to the point in the small of your back which is horizontally level with the top of your hip bones. To find this point, use your fingers to trace the hip bone upwards till you feel the point where the top edge of your hip bones curve inwards, on the side of the hip, creating something of a shelf. This measurement is the torso length, especially useful to consider those packs with non-adjustable back system. In fact this system that is used throughout the outdoor industry today to measure the exact body size and to determine the correct frame’s size.

Similarly, another important consideration is proper fit of waist belt by knowing its correct size. In simpler words, the hip belt is meant for hips and not for your waist. Therefore hip belt should rest on your hipbone, not on your waist, because if it is on your waist then you will carry too much weight on your shoulder. In the same way if it is too low, it is bound to interfere with your walking. Quite frankly, both are undesirable. Ideally with a full pack on, the top edge of the waist belt should ride one inch above the top of the hip bone. Lastly, you should also pay attention to shoulder straps. These days many good quality backpacks are available in the market with adjustable shoulder straps. Backpacks with self-adjustable shoulder are regarded as top backpacks, because in these backpacks the shoulder straps can be rotated to accommodate individual neck and shoulder shapes.

Well folks, these were just few considerations for choosing a right backpack for your hiking or trekking. Your backpack contains all of your surviving things in a wilderness so you always try to select a good and comfortable backpack. The only cause behind the selection of an expensive backpack is comfort, so while purchasing any backpack, do some research to find the pack that’s right for you.

Healthy Skin – What Nutrients Does it Need to Keep it That Way?

Many of us are well versed on the nutrients our body needs to remain healthy. We need vitamin C for protecting our immune system. We need multi-vitamins to help supplement our diets, because they don’t always allow our body to get what it needs. But what about nutrients for healthy skin? It only makes sense that one of the most exposed parts of our bodies needs its own nutrients to remain healthy and to optimally look and feel good. Understanding the value and effects of nutrients in skin care products will provide a better understanding of the different between a high quality skin care product and one that is a waste of money and potentially even more damaging than helpful.

Oils, Vitamins, Lotions and Masks
There are plenty of people who think a splash of water and a little soap will do it for skin care. And guys especially, think that their shaving lotion or shower gel will cut it. These are also the people who look their age- or worse- older. Their skin shows the damage of weather and in general the effects of time. Being uninformed and lazy about skin care is the equivalent to eating junk food for every meal for years and then not understanding why you are overweight, out of shape and heading down an early path towards age related illnesses. With high quality products that focus on the nutrients for healthy skin, a person can be on their way to better, healthier skin quickly and easily.

The nutrients for healthy skin come in several forms such as oils and vitamins that are captured in the lotions, gels and masks of the best skin care products. The oil extracts from jojoba is very similar to the natural skin sebum and helps to restore the sebum. Babassu nut oil is also used in only the best products to penetrate skin in order to soothe it , similar to cordamazon maracuja. This oil is harvested from passion flower seeds and is incredibly rich in multiple vitamins including A, B and C. It is also an emollient that will help to smooth skin. These essential nutrients for healthy skin should be requirements for any skin product you select.

The Quality of Nutrients
Virtually any manufacturer can walk in to a lab and stir up a concoction that features oils and vitamins that are all lab created and then call it a product that has all the beneficial nutrients someone needs for healthy skin. The problem is clearly the quality of the ingredients. Using vitamins and oils from only the best possible sources will enhance the appearance of your skin, not something concocted in a lab. Vitamin E provided from plant extracts such as avocado oil is shown to be more effective than lab created synthetic versions. When you are trying to restore the natural elements to your skin, it only makes sense to use products that are as organic and naturally developed as possible.

Just as we realize there are nutrients our body needs to obtain from the food we eat and the drinks we consume, there are nutrients our skin needs to maintain its beauty. It also needs them to improve its health and to protect it from the sun, aging and the general effects of being exposed to the elements each and every day. Reading the label on a product isn’t enough because it still will not tell you what the value is of nutrients that are absolutely vital to healthy skin. By spending just a little time reading information from a reliable, well researched source, anyone can be well on their way to healthier, more beautiful skin.